Archive | October, 2012

Today: Personal development

16 Oct

So yes, everything is rolling now. The wedding has been booked and I am now on my ‘get ready, set go!’ routine, which involves a stricter diet (yeah I caved in on two for tuesdays. But only had half a pizza and cookies… and garlic bread, to be fair i’ve been good all day!) Gymming three time a week, and choosing the final details about the wedding!

i have also taken it upon myself to learn python, though the edX program, my course is run by MIT and it’s quite challenging. It advises users that you will need 12 hours a week to complete the course, however I definately spent 12 hours just on the problem sheets this week! It would have been less, however their systems don’t like slow code. And mine was slow… it got to the right answer! just… slow. Who knew that a ‘for’ loop did the same as ‘month=0, run though everything until month=12’.

Still at least I’m learning!

It’s pretty hard at the moment, i’ve got a lot of things to look after. Washing, Washing up, wedding, making the bed, cleaning the bathrooms, studying, working, going to the gym, cleaning up… It adds up in a day. Not to mention the tutoring I do twice a week.

Stress levels are through the roof at the moment, BUT. I have a long weekend at the end of October. Which includes wedding dress shopping!!!

All I’m hoping is the next few weeks are just smooth. I don’t think I can cope with any major/big upset. Or change.

Who am I kidding? I just want my blanket and to stay in bed all day. blah!

Today: The Booking

6 Oct

On Monday it will be exactly 10 months until I get married 🙂

After having a massive adreneline come down I have been a bit of a mess for a couple of days, but mainly because I get to now plan plan plan!! Guest list is pretty much done and we know what we want – including what cake! It’s now just a question of saving and paying and booking. EASY now that we have a venue!

Today I also joined the gym. And did a weigh in since I got my new scales from Argos.

Last weigh in was 81.3kg (yeah.. the nurse was shocked at this number as well because I don’t look like it) today I weighed in at 79.5kg 🙂 small steps! But now I have the gym membership, I can escape a few times a week and blast out my frustrations from work and everything. It also means I will start toning up quicker. Something I am sure everyone who is working out wants to see!!

So 10 months t0 go! Ideally 7 months to get in shape and I’m sure many more stressful blog posts to come!

I can’t wait 🙂