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Today: Day 2, Changes Already – A Pin a Day

14 Aug

So yesterday was alright.

I didn’t run as an entire cold front dumped itself on Milton Keynes, and, after a couple of weekends a go when I ran 10k in the pouring rain. It didn’t appeal to me.

This made me realise.. I’m not motivated to run.

At this moment in time I dread every training run. My “go out and see how things are” runs are ok, because i literally just go and see how it is. But training runs with distances and pacing… well they are turning me into a bit of a nervous wreck.

So I’m pulling out of my half marathon at the end of September.

I started running to challenge myself and i ended up enjoying it. Now if i’m not enjoying it I don’t want to do it or finish any distance i’m on, or anything that happens on a run completely phases me, and i’m ruined. Then I feel like a failure.

Why continue to train for something you aren’t looking forward too?

When I was training for Paris, I was really looking forward to it. Yes I was scared, Yes I was nervous, Yes I didn’t think I would make it, but I believed I could, and I enjoyed pushing myself. That’s just not there this time.

I’ll get it back I’m sure! But right now It can’t be on the table.

So, I guess that means I can throw myself in my next annual goal of losing 10lbs (Half the issue with the Half was that it wasn’t really on my ‘plan’.. ).


I really like this idea of “a pin a day” as well, something little to push me through the next few weeks.

My weight on my motivation board got to 186 pounds, which means to reach my goal i need to get to 176.

I just weighed in today and i’m back up to 191 pounds 😦

I can’t lose motivation again…

10lbs to go! That’s what I have to focus on… so I guess I have two goals, the realistic 191 – 181, and the ideal of getting it down to 176.

So lets hope my pin a day helps with it!

Today i’ve pinned the best butt workout. I’m gonna lay my mat out on my landing and have a good time of it 🙂

best butt

Yesterday I managed pretty much everything on my list, except the milkshake… but we ordered cookies so that’s still fun 🙂

Now today I’ve just gotta hope my knee doesnt die when I start this.

Talk Tomorrow!

Today: Next Mountain To Climb

18 Mar

Don’t get excited, I’m not actually climbing a MOUNTAIN, just I see my next goal as one.

In January I set myself 4 goals as my new years resolution:

  1. Run the Paris Half Marathon (Jan – March)
  2. Run a sub 35min 5 km (Apr – Jun)
  3. Lose 10lbs (Jul – Sept)
  4. Run a sub 33min 5 km (Oct – Dec)

I decided to split it into little goals instead of the usual “I’m going to be healthy” blah blah you usually do, as I was fed up of giving up.

Goal 1 has been achieved and recorded in Today: I Did That, a truly emotional experience and I’m still thriving from the buzz from it!

Goal two is well underway and it isn’t even April yet, I knew I would PB at the next parkrun after the half marathon as I would still have all my strength and motivation from the 5 days before. And I did, Running Mumma coached me to a PB 5km of 36 mins exactly (even after getting up early for the grand prix). Meaning for my next goal, I have to shave a minute off that!

If you haven’t been to Milton Keynes parkrun before, you’re in for an experience. There is an infamous section known as the zig-zags, which is about 2- 3mins of uphill zig-zagging steep hill at about 2km. It hurts! But I know that’s where I’m going to make my best time gain, I slow right down when I get to the top, I think I could shave about 20 seconds off that hill!

In addition to this goal, I’m also trying to consciously make healthier lifestyle choices. I’m going good with my lunches and I have three bits of fruit on postits with times on when I should be eating them. Slow going, I’m trying not to go hungry, whilst also maintaining some kind of control.

Gym going has also picked up! Two club runs, 2 strength sessions and two alternative cardio’s a week (then parkrun on a Saturday), means I’m a busy bee, but I’m also feeling better for it, a lot calmer and just better rounded. It’s amazing what a bit of endorphin’s can do for you!

I haven’t felt this motivated in a very long time, and I really hope it stays with me.

Today: Begin Again

14 Oct

Well I finally admitted that I needed help with my running.

So I got it!

About 8 weeks ago I completed a beginners running course (like a couch to 5k) with a 5k graduating time of 36:05 (according to the Nike running app!).

I’ve been hooked since!

I’ve now become a regular at the Redway Runners in Milton Keynes, whacking out a 5k every Monday and up to 8 every Thursday. I now also regularly take part in park runs as well. It’s a great feeling.

I really do enjoy it a lot, so much so that I’ve even signed up to do a 10k in November, and a longer event in March next year! Very exciting times for me, as it means I have something that I can work towards again.

I completed my first solo training run for it this Sunday just gone, and it was a killer. I’d only planned to do about 7k, but I needed up getting lost and then a bridge was closed and it was all a bit of a mess. So I ended up running 8.77k… No I wasn’t running my 5k split times but I was maintaining it, I averaged under 8min a km and If I didn’t have to stop to keep trying to figure out where to go, it would have been done quicker as well.

I know Nike does it pause run when you stop, but it adds about 15 seconds onto your time… And I got very lost….

Brilliant way to explore the new area though, and it’s a good excuse to get me out the house. Fighting all the mental knock backs and all that. It really is a brilliant medicine, exercise, personal development and the outdoors!

I have to get over running in the rain… I’ve sweated hair dye down my face so I must be able to cope with a bit of drizzle. It is England, after all.

So this week? We’ll long run Thursday again, I’m getting up early to push I out a morning exercise routine. Gently waking up a bit earlier everyday to get to the gym and do it… Imaging a morning swim and an evening run! Glorious!!!!

Night time now though, glass of water to sleep on and an early alarm….. *yawn*

Today: 54km down

25 Mar

In terms of my #RunIntoOrbit year challenge that is 33.75 miles into it. 222-33.75= 188.25 miles to go!

Quite excited actually now because I have just finished my first full training plan, the aim? Simple really, run for 30 minutes.

I managed this at my second Park Run, 5km in 37 mins. Not a world record and nowhere near the 30 mins I wanted to actually run it in, but I didn’t stop. I just kept going! I hurt and was muddy and disgusting afterwards but I did it. That was my personal best!

What else in my world?

Well as you can probably tell, the blog hasn’t really been re organised. But I figured, as it is MY blog, I can talk about whatever rubbish I want. So, here is an update on well, things I give a little bit of crap about:

WORK – Going well. Love the job 🙂

GYM – started a new Army training program, starting at level 2 as level 1 ie effectively getting you to a point where you can run for 30 mins.. O look i’ve done that one!

WEIGHT/DIET – joined weight watchers. Let’s hope the motivation of paying for resources helps me out! Their website is a load of crap though, looks like one of those sites you get when you Google dodgy diets! but the resources are alright, it’s not designed for people who do real exercise, like say, cross training or exercise classes, or strength training. It truely is designed for older people who have done little exercise in their lifetime. I won’t get started on their mobile app. But it is making me think differently about what I eat! i seriously just got stuck at like the 80kg mark (those who see me won’t think this, I’m not a skinny runt but I’m not obese either) I just don’t know where it is sticking, but I have lost 1.5kg on Weight Watchers so far, So I guess that’s some progress?

F1 – Ah F1, so much has changed since testing! Due to recent events I can’t muster the strength and will power to discuss it at the moment. Again, like the past 4 years, I want Mark Webber to win the Drivers Title, I will put him down to win every race in my fantasy F1 team. Through torment and unfortunate Podium outburts. Unfortunately I am in a position where I can’t comment on anything unless I fancy having my head bitten off, called a hypocrite, or be accused of calling someone else a hypocrite (For the record now, I’m just glad that my lovely readers – who probably follow me on twitter – are as fed up of as I am, and hence we are looking forward to China!). O did you see Alonso go off? Made me chuckle. What made me chuckle more? This Tweet.

WEDDING – ahhh last but no means least! Still to sort most of the paying bits, and the car/rings/MotB presents and the DJ list but things are looking up! Sorted ourselves out with a highly recommended photographer (Chelsea Hopkins) and the invites are all well on their way out. I have a dress fitting in early June, as well as trial hair appointments and stufffff 🙂 It’s all coming together, all be it, I will be happier when we start paying for things and Charlie says he has got his groomsman stuff ready! Then after the wedding (I have no idea what will be happening on the night, would quite like my own bed!) it’s a 3 week wait till we jet off to Lanzarote on a 2 week all inclusive trip! There will even be mini golf. YES.

I think that is me done for now. I will be blogging about what I want in the future now! Which means I WANT A NICE FRIENDLY RACE IN CHINA TO TALK ABOUT obvs one with awesome racing though 🙂

Anyhoo, check out in the near future for a different take on film reviews. [A little off topic I know, but then again this blog hasn’t exactly had a topic since 2008 when I started it.]

Talk about myself soon 🙂 TARRA!

#RunIntoOrbit and the Gentle F1 blog

28 Jan

Currently, as it stands I have run 27km of my run into orbit challenge, that’s about 16 miles or so, which is pretty awesome in my book!

I’ve only had to repeat one week of my training plan because I was a bit ill, but at least it means I’m not hurting myself like I was before! I’ve also learnt that by SLOWING DOWN you can run a lot further, yeah I’m not sprinting but it’s still running!!

Onto a different note, easing you in gently, the first F1 test of the season has just finished in Jerez in Spain, and far from any major surprises as it could be. The redbulls, Lotus and Ferrari were all fast, whilst the drama and attention that Lewis Hamilton died away quite quickly after he did a typical Mercedes driver stunt of parking badly. Granted it wasn’t his ego that took up 6 car parking spaces, but a rear break pressure failure that cases him to skid across the gravel into a tyre wall.

Not much else could be said that happened, Paul DiResta is still a lonely meme theme at Force India and the new drivers at Marussia are impressing as was to be expected, they both did well in GP2.

A shame for Davide Valsecchi who couldn’t find a seat in F1 even after winning its feeder series. Not too much of a surprise though, as although he seemed to be a lovely guy, he had a washboard personality….

Our beloved DLR managed to gain a seat in a Ferrari as well, it’s just a shame that it lasted but a few laps before the gearbox blew. A sign to come perhaps? Or not, at least, Fernando Alonso wasn’t worried enough to tweet positive things about it to hide his underlying fear!!

My bet for this year? Why, Mark Webber to win the WDC. Obviously. Hamilton to only make a second place and for Perez to almost win the championship. Just for giggles.

I won’t get started on livarys. McLaren=chrome….. RBR has PURPLE ON IT and the Sauber looks alright now. Yep I think that sums it up!!!

Today: Personal development

16 Oct

So yes, everything is rolling now. The wedding has been booked and I am now on my ‘get ready, set go!’ routine, which involves a stricter diet (yeah I caved in on two for tuesdays. But only had half a pizza and cookies… and garlic bread, to be fair i’ve been good all day!) Gymming three time a week, and choosing the final details about the wedding!

i have also taken it upon myself to learn python, though the edX program, my course is run by MIT and it’s quite challenging. It advises users that you will need 12 hours a week to complete the course, however I definately spent 12 hours just on the problem sheets this week! It would have been less, however their systems don’t like slow code. And mine was slow… it got to the right answer! just… slow. Who knew that a ‘for’ loop did the same as ‘month=0, run though everything until month=12’.

Still at least I’m learning!

It’s pretty hard at the moment, i’ve got a lot of things to look after. Washing, Washing up, wedding, making the bed, cleaning the bathrooms, studying, working, going to the gym, cleaning up… It adds up in a day. Not to mention the tutoring I do twice a week.

Stress levels are through the roof at the moment, BUT. I have a long weekend at the end of October. Which includes wedding dress shopping!!!

All I’m hoping is the next few weeks are just smooth. I don’t think I can cope with any major/big upset. Or change.

Who am I kidding? I just want my blanket and to stay in bed all day. blah!

Today: The Booking

6 Oct

On Monday it will be exactly 10 months until I get married 🙂

After having a massive adreneline come down I have been a bit of a mess for a couple of days, but mainly because I get to now plan plan plan!! Guest list is pretty much done and we know what we want – including what cake! It’s now just a question of saving and paying and booking. EASY now that we have a venue!

Today I also joined the gym. And did a weigh in since I got my new scales from Argos.

Last weigh in was 81.3kg (yeah.. the nurse was shocked at this number as well because I don’t look like it) today I weighed in at 79.5kg 🙂 small steps! But now I have the gym membership, I can escape a few times a week and blast out my frustrations from work and everything. It also means I will start toning up quicker. Something I am sure everyone who is working out wants to see!!

So 10 months t0 go! Ideally 7 months to get in shape and I’m sure many more stressful blog posts to come!

I can’t wait 🙂

Today: I finally win

30 Sep

From the title of this post and the last couple I have posted, I think it’s time to properly announce myself. I have been 4 weeks without my citalopram, Charlie flushed my remaining 3 pills as it did get to a point where I just wanted to start again, but they are gone.

As are my twitches and any other nasty side effects, except the presence of a reduced appetite. Which if I’m honest, I’m not complaining about!!

I’m happy that its over with. Now I can get back onto my exercises, plan what I’m going to be doing, and not be hindered by stupid panic attacks. It also means I can get back to blogging about f1. And building up my science blog more! Better write my to do list for tomorrow 🙂 it’s nice to feel free again!

Today: The Lasting Legacy

12 Aug

The end of the Olympics has arrived, have you been inspired? Do you now have a role model worthy of recognition?

I have already spoken out to say that I have been inspired to “Keep calm and carry on”, to keep up with my goal to run 5k in half an hour, to get healthy and fit.

This week has been a continuing progress, Charlie and I have stuck to our running routine, and I have hit 3 days this week where I have had less than 1500 calories in a day.

Next week is the final week before the holiday! Which means I will be away for the next weigh in, but I shall post on Friday evening, and weigh in then to still plot on my graph. Tomorrow is the third weigh in of this dieting attempt. Where there will be another graph to look at.

So as Chariots of fire plays on and on again (as it will be stuck in our heads for months to come) What’s your slow motion moment going to be? Mine will hopefully be me getting to 5km in less than 30 mins….. I hope you all share you slow motion moments as well!

And if further inspiration is needed Here is my inspirational pick,

Rascal Flatts – Stand

Today: The return of ‘the graph’

6 Aug

As I said yesterday, today was weigh in day. I weigh a glorious over achieving 11st 11lbs. I over achieve when it comes to retaining weight you see.

I have decided to put up the weights of F1 drivers and compare myself to them, I’ve only put a couple up at the moment, but each one is a separate goal. I don’t think I will get down to 127lbs, that of Kamui Kobayashi! But a shot at Heikki Kovalinen (141) is a better option.

As you can see I match that of the manly chiseled jaw of Mark Webber, who shares his weight with Vitaly Petrov. (Paul Di Resta takes the heaviest weight of 172lbs!), my next goal is Nico Hulkenberg, at 163lbs, it’s only a 2lb drop from my current weight, but I’m sure it will still be a challenge!

Here is the graph:



Running went well today, 2 mins run, 2 mins walk, produced a Nike+ graph that looks like this:



Very smooth don’t you think? I was the pace setter for this, which was good! Charlie got a good ‘view’ and I could just run without feeling like I had to catch up. The last interval seems quicker just because I was taking smaller steps quicker, and Nike+ works by measuring the impacts of your feet.

Still pretty consistent. According to runkeeper Charlie and I ran the second 2min the quickest at 9min/miles. I think I will take pace information from Runkeeper, but average pace from Nike, or something like that!

Anyway, today has been good, and going for the 30min 5k is getting slowly closer!